Our Community Impact

At Sheridan Group, giving back is part of who we are—we're dedicated to making a difference in the communities we serve.

At Sheridan Group, we believe in the power of community. Our dedication to giving back goes beyond the spaces we create—it’s about making a real impact where we live and work. Through partnerships, volunteer efforts, and charitable initiatives, we support organizations that align with our values and drive positive change.

Through donations, volunteer work, and partnerships, we support these incredible organizations: 

AIDS Walk L.A., American Heart Association, CASA for Children, Children’s Fund, Downtown Dollar Days, Dream Foundation, Los Angeles City Headquarters Association, The Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce, March of Dimes, The Meditation Room at UCSD Medical Center, National Multiple Sclerosis Society, Network for Good, The Pediatric AIDS Foundation, Present Now, Susan G. Komen, The Starlight Foundation, The Union Rescue Mission, The United Way, Vista Del Mar Family Service of Santa Monica, Warneke, and The Weingart Center Association.

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A lounge space in front of glass walls that reveal a distant view of the Hollywood hills. The lounge space features two chairs that resemble hands.